Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Recent work on the RPI Formula Hybrid team

Lots of projects have been underway recently, both RPI Formula Hybrid related and personal. My free time has been minimal over the past few months, but I wanted to document a couple pieces of what I've been involved with recently!

Quick progress update on the high voltage accumulator subsystem (with lots more to come):


A write up for the sponsor of the team's programmable DC power supply:


In addition to the battery pack, a huge amount of effort is going into this year's scratch-built battery management system. Fellow student Szymon Morawski and I have been designing this hardware as part of an independent study course this semester. I look forward to completely documenting it once the final debugging is done, but for now here is a snapshot of the primary microprocessor board and string monitoring peripheral board from about a month ago:

New updates on mechEtroller (my brushed motor controller project), a battle robot project, CNC mill retrofit and more are coming soon as well!

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