Sunday, July 20, 2014

Racecars and Robots

Rensselaer Formula Hybrid's DCMS

Obligatory 3d Printer


It has been a long time since I've given an update on my projects. I think I owe a little background information to help explain what has been happening in the last 12 months.

I've been involved with the Rensselaer Formula Hybrid team since my first day at RPI. Rensselaer Formula Hybrid is a student run engineering team that builds hybrid electric/internal combustion open wheel racecars to compete at the annual Formula Hybrid collegiate competition. At the start of my Sophomore year, I became co-president of the team, responsible for management of all mechanical design on the vehicle. Unlike most projects I have undertaken, Formula Hybrid is a massive commitment that requires a huge dedication of time and energy. Starting from basics with an inexperienced team, we succeeded in designing and building an amazing vehicle, the DCMS, from an almost entirely Freshmen and Sophomore group. What does DCMS stand for? Unfortunately that's a secret that you'll have to use your own imagination to fill.

 My personal responsibilities (in addition to the leadership of the mechanical team) included the chassis, suspension system, and cockpit design. It isn't possible to describe the enormous effort and reward involved with being part of this great team.  I will not cover any details of the car design here, because it is not my project to write about, but instead encourage anyone reading this to check out the team blog here. To put it mildly, this has been the number one reason that updates have become so infrequent recently. I will be reprising my role as leader of the mechanical team this year, so keep posted on RPI Hybrid's blog to find out what we are up to!

With that out of the way, I can get to some of the new and old personal project updates that have been creeping along in the background. I'll give each of these their own post in the next day or so, so check back soon to demystify the last 3 pictures above.

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