Monday, September 24, 2012

Projects on hold


I apologize for the abrupt stop in updates on Mëtal Scooter as well as updates in general lately. I've been very busy over the past month transitioning into my Freshman year at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and in the process discovering ways to continue pursuing my hobbies at college. Mëtal Scooter is in the same (mostly functional) state as I last reported on, and it has been left back in my home state to continue when I return during breaks. I've discovered a few aspects that I want to work on more or rebuild, but overall I was very happy with how the scooter turned out.

With that said, I have begun to order parts to begin a small project that I also began designing over the summer. I'm hoping that it can act as my introduction into an area that I'm very inexperienced in, but want to learn much more about. When I get a little further into it, I'll begin posting some information again on how that process goes. I definitely don't want to stop updating this blog or working on projects,  but this will probably happen more slowly from now on.